24 Names of God That Will Revolutionize Your Life
What’s in a Name? How can names of God impact your life?
When my children were born, we picked names to describe their character. Actually, to drive their character. We gave great thought and prayer to this, and we have a Mighty Warrior/Gift of God and God is My Oath/Pearl. Why? Because there is power behind a name. And there is power in knowing the meaning it has.
Ahh, 2021 will be great! Well, 2021 has to be better than 2020, right? I have high hopes for it anyway. For 2021, I will be studying the names of God. Because, if 2020 taught me anything, it was this: I need to trust God more.
Psalm 9:9-10 says, “The LORD will also be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble. And those who know Your name will put their trust in You; for You, LORD, have not forsaken those who see You.” (emphasis mine)
So, if I want to put my trust in God, I’m gonna need to know His name(s). Here’s a list of the names we’ll be exploring (dates and topics are subject to change):
- January 19 – Elohim
- February 2- ‘Ab or Abba
- February 16 – El Elyon
- March 2 – Adonai and YAHWEH
- March 16 – Elohei Tehillate
- April 13 – El Olam
- April 27- El Nehkumah
- May 11 – El Roi
- May 25- El Moshasah
- June 8 – Jehovah Mekuddishkem
- June 22- Jehovah Jireh
- July 6 – El Shaddi
- July 20- Jehovah Rapha
- August 3 – Jehovah-Uzzi
- August 17- Jehovah-Tsuri
- September 14 – Jehovah-Ori
- September 28- Jehovah-Shammah
- October 12- El Emeth
- October 26- Jehovah-Shalom
- November 9 – Jehovah-Magen
- November 23- Immanuel, part 1
- December 7 – Immanuel, part 2
- December 21- Messiah
If you want to bookmark this page, I’ll be linking the posts here as they go live.
CHANGE: All posts will be linked on a separate homepage here
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Bible study is more fun with a friend! Why not invite someone to join you in this study? Ask someone to join our study of the names of God. We will learn more about who God is, how to pray to Who He Is, and how to trust Him more.
Each lesson will incorporate my 4 Aspects of Prayer: the 4A’s (More about that here)
- Adore – PRAISE God. This is your offering of words or song that expresses your approval or admiration. It is a form of worship. The focus is on the character of God. You can pray a verse from Psalms or other Scriptures. In fact, Ps. 100:4 tells us that we enter into His courts with our praise. This puts us into His presence and puts our mind on who we are talking to. It’s the Caller ID of our prayer.
- Admit – Our faults and failures (sins) interfere in our relationship with God. So we need to confess these to Him each time we approach Him, just to clear the way. Isaiah 59:2 says, “But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden His face from you, so that He will not hear.” Luckily, Jesus bridged that gap for us. If you know Him personally, all that’s left is for you to admit your wrongs. (click here for more information on how to Meet Jesus) We also need to Admit certain truths about God to be in agreement with them. This is our way to Introduce ourselves to God as we begin our conversation.
- Ask – While God isn’t a vending machine, we can make our requests known to Him. In Matthew 7:7, we read, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” He may say “Yes.” Or, He may say, “No.” He could also say, “Not right now.” As our Heavenly Father, He knows what’s best for us, so sometimes His “No” happens because He has something better planned for us. This is the mid-point of our conversation. Allow time for listening, too!
- Acknowledge – This is our opportunity to say “Thank You” to God for what He has done and is doing in our lives. Talk to Him about your blessings and struggles. Tell Him your thoughts and biggest dreams, and let him know how today’s challenges are getting you ready for tomorrow. But make certain you are giving Him credit for all the good things. This is the meat of your conversation. Again, allow time to listen as He speaks to you through Scripture and His Holy Spirit.
Ah, Lord God! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. There is nothing too hard for You.(Jeremiah 32:17) I adore You and the beauty of Your creation. And I admit that I let some of the events of 2020 cast a shadow on my life when I struggled at times to put You first. I ask that You provide clarity of mind and thought as we study who You are and learn the names of God. I acknowledge that those struggles from last year are exactly what put me here, needing to learn more about who You are. Thank You for that revelation.
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