Praise Him!
Elohei Tehillati is the God(s) of My Praise
I’ve mentioned earlier that my word of the year for 2021 is PRAISE. So when I came across this name for God, I knew I had to include it.
Who’s Patricia?
I’m retiring from education this year. I started in the fall of 1982 with my first full-time teaching job, and here it is 39 years later.
I signed on with my current school in 2005, and on the first day, when I was introduced to the staff, my new boss (who had only called me “Mrs. Shaull” up to that point) introduced me as Patricia Shaull. Then she asked me, in front of everyone if I prefer to be called “Patricia” or “Pat” or “Pattie.”
I said, “I prefer ‘Kathy’ since that’s my name.”
“Then who is Patricia?” she asked.
“I have no idea.” I felt bad correcting my new boss in front of the entire staff, but I also felt it was important for them to get my name right.
God of My Praise
Even though I can only find a single instance where God is directly referred to by this name, the Hebrew word “tehillah” is found 57 times in scripture and our English word “praise” shows up in over 200 verses.Elohei Tehillati is pronounced [ELL-oh-heeĀ tay-ay-LAW-tee].
Last year -2020- was hard. I’ve never been through a global pandemic before Have you? So maybe, just maybe, we need to use this as a name for God every chance we get in 2021.
English moment
Don’t forget that Elohei is a form of Elohim/Creator God/Supreme God (read about Elohim here). And it is PLURAL, especially when speaking of/to the Supreme God), so we’re talking about all parts of the Trinity where this shows up in Ps. 109:1, “Do not keep silent, O God of my praise!” This is the first line of David’s “Song of the Slandered.” He goes on for quite a while asking God to take revenge/seeking punishment for those who spoke evil about him. Then in verse 30, as he finishes his song, David does more than just acknowledge this is a descriptor of God. David puts it into action. “I will greatly praise the Lord with my mouth; Yes, I will praise Him among the multitude.”
It’s easy to worship God when everything is comfy-cozy. But it’s a whole different thing to praise Him when things are messed up.
He’s the God of Our Praise – all day. Every day. No. Matter. What. We are privileged to speak to Him, so let’s get His name right from day 1.
Prayer – using 4 Aspects of Prayer
Adore-We praise You for being in our praise, for allowing us to use praise to enter into Your courts and Your presence. You are the One True God.
Admit-Forgive me for the times I try to take credit for the things You have done. I can do nothing apart from You.
Ask-Open my eyes to all Your handiwork. Open my mind to deep spiritual truths. Give me insight that can only come from You. Help me to embrace gratitude on a daily basis.
Acknowledge-Thank You for allowing us to approach Your throne with my meager offering of praise. Thank You for guiding my heart and mind into a full attitude of praise for You because You are My God of Praise.
Thanks for spending a little time with me today. Connect with me on social media and let me know 1 reason you have to praise God today.

[…] March 16 – Elohei Tehillate […]