Spiritual Monsters Pop Up Frequently It's Halloween season again, but spiritual monsters don't wait for the end of October to rear their ugly heads. The following monsters tend to show up whenever things start going well. Or when The Enemy is working overtime to toss roadblocks … [Read more...]
Be Quirky. It Makes You More Interesting.
I'm quirky. Apparently this will come as no surprise to those who know me well/work with me. I came to this realization last week when I told a co-worker I would meet her in my office - "after I shrink my elephants" (for an upcoming lesson). She didn't even skip a beat. I … [Read more...]
How Losing Focus Forced Me to See
I Lost Focus. I've been concentrating so hard on so many projects and family things having an unhealthy focus on numbers lately: Have new readers have signed up for my newsletter? How many books sold this month? Are there new followers on ___(fill in any social … [Read more...]
6 Sure Fire Ways to Lose Your Joy
. Joy. It's a terrible thing to waste. I don't know about you, but some days I find it harder and harder to cultivate joy. There have been big changes in the Shaull household recently: Son moved to Arkansas. Niece moved to college. Now, both of these are good … [Read more...]
Turns Out, Fear is Terrifying. 3 Reasons Why
Some things are just plain terrifying. Like fear. I had a bout of fear recently. Or maybe it wasn't fear. It was panic. I've been working on my sequel. Done several rewrites. And several times through for edits. Then I printed the whole thing out to do a final "hard copy" … [Read more...]
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