I'm quirky. Apparently this will come as no surprise to those who know me well/work with me. I came to this realization last week when I told a co-worker I would meet her in my office - "after I shrink my elephants" (for an upcoming lesson). She didn't even skip a beat. I … [Read more...]
6 Sure Fire Ways to Lose Your Joy
. Joy. It's a terrible thing to waste. I don't know about you, but some days I find it harder and harder to cultivate joy. There have been big changes in the Shaull household recently: Son moved to Arkansas. Niece moved to college. Now, both of these are good … [Read more...]
30 Years and a Whimsical Tree
What do 30 Years and a Whimsical Tree have in common? 30 Years and a Whimsical Tree describe my week. 30 Years This week Hubby and I celebrated our 30 Year Anniversary. Some people have told me lately that's impressive. Some who know me say it's impressive that I … [Read more...]