Grief is not a disease to be cured; it is a life experience we must move through.
Over the past few weeks, we have been looking at different stages in grief:
We aren’t cured of our grief. It becomes something we have to learn to live with. As we finish our study this week, we are looking at Acceptance and Moving On.
John 14:27 tells us that Jesus left His peace here on earth for us, so we shouldn’t allow our hearts to be troubled.
2 Cor 13:11 commands us to aim for restoration, to comfort and agree with one another, to live in peace – with the promise that God’s peace will be with us.
Everyone will move through grief differently.
Therefore, there are no “classic signs” that grief has been resolved that show up for everyone. But some possible ways to know that you are ready to move on could include:
- The ability to speak or think of the loss with a sense of peace.
- The ability to move through reminders or special days with a sense of peace.
- A willingness to try something new without panic or undue fear.
- Peace with a previous struggle.
- Peace despite memories that trigger emotions.
- Peace
- Peace
- Peace
- Peace
- Peace
Do you see a pattern? PEACE.
Are you running short on PEACE? Fear not. God has His Peace available for us. Daily. All we have to do is ask.
Are you struggling to Move thru grief? Check out my Good Grief Scripture-based art journaling course.
Thanks for stopping by today for a bit of Truth and Love. I’ve been praying for you.