Have you ever lived in a pit? I have.
Oh, I don’t mean “pit” like an actual hole in the ground. Or even an abode that needed to be condemned.
I’m talking about spending time in depression – a pit that can suck you in emotionally and maintain a stranglehold on every part of your life.
Depression is common among those in grief. But it doesn’t have to last. In fact, time in the pit is the perfect opportunity to focus on the blessings of God. One of the best is from Isaiah 41:10, “Do not fear. I am with you. I am your God.”
My time in the pit often starts when I forget (or ignore) that very promise. When I believe the enemy’s lies that I am facing my grief or other trials alone, I slip into the pit. And, just as often, the first step on the ladder out is remembering that God is there with me.
If you rely more on God when you’re in this fix, then it is possible that He can use the time for real breakthrough. Allow Him to pull you from the pit by giving you a mountaintop moment. A time when you have seen God at work in you and through you. There is nothing better!
One thing can interfere with mountaintops, though:
If we cannot forgive, God’s work can grind to a halt. We have to follow God’s example. He forgives us of…everything – because of Christ’s work on the cross. So how can we refuse to forgive someone else?
It’s tough sometimes. Especially if loss stands in the way of our forgiveness. How do you forgive someone who is gone? How do you forgive someone if what they did was…unforgivable?
The million-dollar answer for day: GRACE. MERCY.
Where do we find an unending supply of Grace & Mercy?
So, don’t grumble. Forgive. And let those low times be transformed by The One who can do anything. The One who is with you.
We have been looking at various stages of grief and scriptures that can lead us through. If grief has made life difficult for you, check out my online art journaling grief course Good Grief.
Thank you for stopping by today. Please know, I pray for you daily.