Sometimes guilt attacks me when I spend too much time parked in front of the TV.
The TV guilt monster is worse in the summer – when I’m out of school. With MIL living with us, I’ve rediscovered morning game shows, and I’m hooked on Let’s Make a Deal.
It occurred to me the other morning that I have tried to play Let’s Make a Deal – with God – during times of grief.
Do any of these sound familiar?
- God, if you will only ____, then I will _____.
- God, as soon as I see You ____, then I will ____.
- God, I need You to do ___, ___ & ___ before I can ___.
It is my sincere prayer that you do not have moments of prayer bargaining like that, but I was blown away to find an example in scripture!
If you read the entire chapter 43 of Psalms, you will see the psalmist begging for vindication and defense. He asks God to send light and truth (so that the psalmist can have something to follow). Then he PROMISES that he will approach God’s altar with praise.
Today’s million dollar question:
Why couldn’t the psalmist praise now?
Think about it. He’s under attack. He needs a way out that he cannot see at this time. But, what is there to stop him from praising God? ANSWER: Circumstantial Blinders – AKA – Those moments when all the circumstances in life block out our One, True, Final Resource: GOD.
We don’t stop and praise because we’re too busy being overwhelmed with whatever the enemy is throwing at us.
What can turn those circumstances around? PRAISE!
Do you feel the guilt yet?
Don’t worry. Romans 8:1 says, There is therefore now NO CONDEMNATION for those who are in Christ Jesus.
God knows we’re going to blow it.
Don’t feel guilty when you do.
Instead, PRAISE Him for His Son who took your condemnation in your place.
This month we’ve been looking at Scriptures that I’ve matched to the stages of grief. If you are having a hard time with loss of any kind, I have developed a grief course to help you. Check it out here for more information.
Thanks for stopping by today. I was honored to pray for you.

This is a wonderful message. Praise first. Often the answer, and always a good choice for pulling us out of whatever fiasco we’ve gotten ourselves into in the guilt game. (yeah, too much TV parking is a real life extinguisher / joy sapper for me!) Thanks so much for the good words.
Thank you so much. I’m so glad you stopped by.