Sustainable Living –
Take Me Deeper for May 1
Am I being a good steward of my physical and mental and emotional energy? God wants to use me, but He needs me to be at my best.
The theme for this month is Sanctuary. A sanctuary is defined as a sacred or holy place. I am one of those folks who can easily see God in nature. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not a “hang out in the great outdoors all the time and commune with nature” kinda gal. I’m more of a “allergic to every tree there is – mosquito magnet” kinda gal.
But there are times I need nature. I crave nature. Because I need time alone with my Creator.
I live in southwest Oklahoma, not terribly far from something called the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge that houses free-range bison, longhorn cattle, elk and white-tailed deer. Within the refuge is Jed Johnson Lake. And beside the lake is the Jed Johnson tower.
For years, I would drive through the refuge so that my (then) small children could see the marvelous animals housed there. And I would look at the tower and think, “The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.” (Prov. 18:10) Sometimes, when I was driving through alone, I would pull into the parking area and get out to admire the view. And, since the refuge is about halfway between my house and my mom’s, I drive through here often.
And a few – a very few – times I would drive here just to experience the tower and the strength I drew from just being in God’s presence.
I try.
Our study this week included Mark 12:30, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” Well, that’s a command – an imperative. And I try. Really, I do.
But these last couple of years have been pretty tough. I’ve been stuck in grief. So much so that God gave me a mandate recently: “I am your Enough, Kathy. For me to use you, I need ALL OF YOU.”
So I began my journey out of grief. Out of grief and into better self-care. So this month’s focus of Sanctuary is very timely for me. I will be focused on the power of Jesus’ name and rebuilding my strength THROUGH Him. If that means time alone with HIM, then let it be.
My art this month will include personal photos I’ve taken at Jed Johnson Lake. This week I used a brayer to apply acrylic paint and a stencil with pan pastels for the detailing.

Kathy just wanted to say I love your photo’s for this week and your thoughts. It is
hard sometimes to care for self when busy taking care of others or in grief. I live in
Oklahoma too and have been to the Wichita Mountains and it is beautiful in that area.
I like the Holy city there too. I live close to Norman,Oklahoma in a little town called
Lexington,Ok. Have a blessed week and this is going to be another really good month of