Dear Fellow Travelers,
Have you ever had the experience where you were doing something and didn’t realize that other people were out there doing the same thing?
I’ve had a lot of that lately.
I’m not saying that I think I’m full of all these new ideas or anything. In fact, the opposite is true. I’m just surprised that I’ve been here in my little secluded corner of the world and I’ve actually accidentally hooked into some really cool stuff that’s been out there for a while – and I’d been missing out here in Smalltown America.
#1: FaithArt Journaling. This is a real thing. It’s not just ME finding scriptures and Faith quotes and writing them out in fancy lettering. It’s a thing. Other people do it. And it even has a name. Who knew?
#2. People are listening to God, and He gives them a word to focus on for the year. I’m telling you I feel like I’ve been living under a rock! I assure you I didn’t just get the Internet last week. As I was doing my daily Bible study last year, I noticed a crazy number of scriptures that used the word “Honor” showing up in my studies. After prayer and more study, I accepted this as a word from God and spent the remainder of the year working to see that He received Honor above all else.
This year, He very clearly asked me if He could be Enough for me. It’s a humbling question. I will strive to make Him my Enough daily. He has something amazing to teach me in this area, in this year. I want to be open and watching for it. I’m using it as my Logos365 word on His Kingdom Come. See the link on the right.
Oh! I almost forgot: Happy January! Here’s my January calendar page. I did get those calendars done…
Prayer: Beloved Father, Thank you for loving me ENOUGH to want me. To care for me. To want what’s best for me – which means YOU WANT TO BE MY ENOUGH. Forgive me for waiting so long to see it. Your patience with me is amazing! I am so blessed!! In Jesus’ name.

Hi Kathy, I also have been doing faith art for the last 2yr and it was hard to find anyone else out ther that had the same interest. And now there are lots of us. HKC is great and Glory Art with Patter Cross that will start on the 11th. There is Documented Faith too. Praise God for Christian Artist like you that want to bring Glory to The Lord through your Art!
Love your pages and yes, the Lord is enough! I look forward to hearing how He will show you that He is enough!
love your writing skills you express what I feel so well! Love you are on the journey with us!!! you are a special lady~