I need a time out… When my kids were little, they sometimes became overwhelmed with life. And I would give them a time out to rest up and try again later. Now, it’s my turn. If you’ve been with me a while (pre-2024), you may have noticed my posts that used to appear like … [Read more...]
Never Face Grief Alone
Grief is hard on a regular day, but holidays are the worst. Does the picture above feel familiar? Are you standing alone in the middle of giant loss? You don't have to be alone. In fact, I'm begging you NOT to be alone with your grief after the holidays. It's just too … [Read more...]
Stop Letting Grief Bully You Today
Grief is one bully you can learn to defeat. Grief is a bully. It's hard to welcome in a new year when you are dealing with grief because it is relentless. But you don't have to feel you are standing alone with grief looming over you. … [Read more...]
10 Ways to Know It’s Time to Move On
Grief is not a disease to be cured; it is a life experience we must move through. Over the past few weeks, we have been looking at different stages in grief: … [Read more...]
When Your Mountaintop Experience Happens in a Pit
Have you ever lived in a pit? I have. Oh, I don't mean "pit" like an actual hole in the ground. Or even an abode that needed to be condemned. I'm talking about spending time in depression - a pit that can … [Read more...]
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