Transform Submissively:
The Scripture:
2 Cor. 3:18-“And all of us have had that veil removed so that we can be mirrors that brightly reflect the glory of the Lord. And as the spirit of the Lord works within us, we become more and more like him and reflect His glory even more.”
Lessons Learned:
Moses wore a veil to hide the glory he’d received from spending time so close to God. NOW is the time for the veil to come off. We spend time with God, and He wants the world to see. We reflect His glory-whether the world is ready to see it now or not.
Behind the Art:
I used kitchen foil for a border to remind me to be a mirror that reflects His glory. In the lower left, I put a clay heart in the Master Potter’s hands. All the pieces of my heart belong there.
The horse in the bottom right is a reminder that submission doesn’t mean weakness or “doormat-ness.” The horse submits to its Master. It uses its strength and skill to do the Master’s bidding. The BEST horse is the one who wants to PLEASE the Master and is devoted to Him. They have spent time together and have a special bond.
My Process:
This is Week 3 of the Take Me Deeper study from His Kingdom Come. If you haven’t signed up to join us there, you should! #tmd2015 #week3tmd
I gessoed the pages and put down at layer of gelatos. The stencil on the right is where I used a baby wipe to remove the gelato base and then sprayed with Dylusions white.
Prayer: Dearest Father, Remind me to place ALL the pieces of my heart into your gentle hands. Help me to SHINE ON in your name and reflecting YOUR glory. In Jesus’ name.
****FREE CLASS ON GRIEF starting Friday, January 23*****
Go to Good Grief for more information.

Your amazing example of a horse using its strength and skill to do its master’s bidding is extremely eye-opening, and heart-affirming. Thank you for sharing God’s truth through this example.
I’d always had trouble with the concept of submission. Then I heard this example. It hit home.