Rejoice — And Get Peace!
Rejoice in the Lord always…And the peace of God…will guard your hearts and your minds.
Put lessons into practice — And Get God!
Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable– if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me — put it into practice. And the God of Peace will be with you. Phil 4:4-9
How is this a Time Warp?
1. We are bound by time.
Humans cannot see the future. We cannot see the Big Picture the way God can.
2. We can only see the past and present.
Like the view on a GPS, we can only see our current setting. We can RECALL the past.
3. God knows how things end up.
The Bible tells us how He triumphs over the enemy in the end. He has the same insight into our lives, too. Does He include a date stamp in the corner so we know when the answer is coming? No. Sorry. But…
4. We must thank God for His answers while we still wait for them.
- When we focus on the things of God-
- When we use the things we learned-
- When we practice the things we have received-
- The things we heard-
- Things we saw-
Then the God of peace will be with us.
5. Thanksgiving defeats worry.
If we’ve put all that into practice, the result is God with us. He sees our future – the time when He has already answered our prayers. The Time Warp. He knows it’s coming – and when. We’ll be thankful then.
6. God wants us to be thankful now.
We need to practice living in the “God has already made an answer for me” mindset. On this side of the Time Warp. The answer is coming. God is faithful. Shouldn’t we be faithful in our thanks?
Let me know how you keep an attitude of gratitude while you’re waiting for God’s answers!

Once again, I love your themed pages for the month! I appreciate your insights from studying the Word. 🙂
Love your notes for this devotion. And thank you for your lovely 13 prayers!