Nothing is Impossible with God.
Nothing. This is my follow-up verse for my word of the year, DECREASE.
I love this verse. Luke 1:37, “Nothing is impossible with God.” I love everything about it.
- I love its location in scripture. This verse appears as Mary learns she has been chosen to birth the Son of God. ‘How could this happen?’ she wonders. The response? Nothing is impossible with God.
- I love its totality. NOTHING. Not the virgin birth. Not God becoming human. NOTHING is impossible with God.
- I love its potentiality. I can imagine a lot of things that could be impossible, but the beginning and the ending of Jesus’ life prove the statement. Virgin birth makes a great start from the impossible. Near the end of Christ’s life, God made Him who knew no sin to become sin. I cannot fathom the power involved in transforming perfection into sin, but it wasn’t a problem. And beating death? Nothing is IMPOSSIBLE with God.
- I love its expectant inclusion. WITH. Not “impossible for God” which would imply that God does something on His own and for His sole benefit. WITH includes us in the event. It reminds me of Phil. 4:13, “I can do all things WITH Christ who gives me strength.” God expects us to be at work alongside Him. Nothing is impossible WITH God.
- I love its power source. GOD. Only through God can the impossible be possible. Nothing is impossible with GOD.
So, with all this in mind, I’m facing 2016 with a new outlook: all the things I’ve wanted to accomplish (on my own) – well, I’m giving them over to God. I had some amazing success in 2015 with that: reaching people/helping people with my online grief course , getting my book published (check it out in my shop) and seeing God’s provision in sooo many other areas – too many to mention. So, I’m handing over some areas in my life that I have refused to hand over before. I trust God to remain faithful.
Action Plan: Is there something in your life that you’ve tried on your own? Has it seemed impossible? Let’s let God work on it WITH us. Let me know through the contact form, and I’ll be praying with you!
Thank you for reading. Please know that you were prayed over today. God bless!

great post and love the idea of what am I going to turn over to God in 2016, I will ponder and journal that thought.