I was looking at quotes on Pinterest and found this one: Fall 7 times. Get up 8. I like that. Almost. Under my own steam, I fail. I falter. I stumble. I have to get up and try again. But I accomplish more if - before I get up - I stop and pray. I mean, I'm on my knees … [Read more...]
Promises Fulfilled
Blessings, Fellow Traveler:So, the dust has settled. --Perhaps I should say, "The SOOT has settled." My mother-in-law's house is burned beyond our ability to repair. No people injured. Two pets lost. Most contents unrecoverable, but some things did survive. All that remains … [Read more...]
Sometimes the Holidays Are Just Hard
God is good. All the time. But sometimes the holidays are just hard.Thanksgiving is never my best day. I do try to be more grateful and express my gratitude on a daily basis. But having a miscarriage on Thanksgiving Day years ago makes it a tough thing to get through.This year, … [Read more...]
Being Deliberate in Faith
As one year rushes to an end, it is my habit to begin preparations for the next. (I am, by the way, the Empress of Planning.) I am determined to become more deliberate with my faith. So I'm toying with various ways to do that. I've located several online groups that may prove … [Read more...]