Blessings, Fellow Traveler!
God is Enough.
I must report mixed feelings over the past few days. It has been tough to spend Christmas alone. It’s engrained in me that this is a family time. But God has been here with me. In fact, He is faithful to always be with us. All we have to do is show up.
I’m working on the following:
- prepping my Good Grief course which starts January 23. This will be a free online art journaling study of grief and mourning (There is a difference.) Info is here.
- preparing for His Kingdom Come’s launch of the 2015 Bible Study: Take Me Deeper. This is so exciting! We have over 1,000 members now. We start in 1 week. Info is here.
- cleaning in preparation for my MIL to move in with us. (A major bathroom reorganization was on the list yesterday.)
- adding to an art journal I started this spring. I’ve had ideas for pages for a while, but not the time to work on them.
- researching new cars. Purchase to come when Hubby returns.
So, while the time alone has seemed dark at times, God is teaching me more and more each day that HE is ENOUGH.
“God is light; in him there is no darkness at all.” 1 John 1:5
Prayer: Beloved Father, thank you for spending time with me. For your comfort. For your faithfulness. Bless our time together and the work being done on His Kingdom Come. May YOU receive all the glory.

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