Has temptation ever defeated you?
One of the best things to come out of the recent pandemic was online grocery shopping – at least for me. I no longer face the temptation of the cookies and cakes as I walk through the store. I can’t count the number of times I gave in to bakery temptation! But now, I simply make my grocery list, search for those specific items, and add to cart. I don’t even have to set foot in the store!
Temptation avoided.
Body – Tempting the physical
Following Christ’s baptism, Heaven opened. The Father spoke. The Spirit filled Jesus. Then He went to spend time alone with His Father in the Wilderness. Kind of a pep rally/strategy meeting, becoming prepared for the ministry season ahead — but also to face temptation. He was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. (Matt. 4:1) You see, after Heaven opened to support Jesus, Hell opened to attack Him.
Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness. This was more than a camping trip. We know there were dangerous animals in this region. Both David and Samson fought lions. “…He[Jesus] was with the wild animals…(Mark 1.13)” and “He ate nothing during those days, and at the end of them He was hungry.” With nothing to eat for 40 days, Jesus was literally starving to death.
So Satan offered the very real temptation of food. Could a mere human last 40 days without food? No, but this is no ordinary human! His human DNA is fused with God’s (read about that here), so He has an advantage. But His human body needed food.
Satan’s tactic: IF you ARE the Son of God, tell this stone to become bread.” (Mark 4:3) In other words, “Plrove to me You really are who You say You are.” Such a flippant request from a being who formerly lived in Heaven and who would have known Jesus before He took human form!
But what he really meant was, “Indulge in satisfying Your physical needs/wants by using Your divine power for Yourself.” Boy, Satan still uses that tactic today, doesn’t he? How often does he use our physical side to distract us from doing what is right? Jesus shut him down by quoting Deut. 8:3.
Temptation of the Mind
Then Satan led Him to the highest point of the Temple and showed Him all the Kingdoms of the world. Again, “IF You ARE the Son of God, throw Yourself down” (because the angels will protect you)” Matt 4:6-7 & Mark 4:9-11
This wasn’t simply a test to see if Jesus would use divine powers to protect Himself. Satan was doing 3 things:
- If you are the Son of God: The same way Satan started the physical temptation – he is questioning what God had just said about Jesus after His baptism, “This is My Son, whom I love; with Him I am well-pleased.” Satan takes Jesus in His physically weakened state and tries to make Him question God’s previous statement. Doing it twice just to hammer that doubt in deeper.
- Satan offers the temptation for Jesus to draw attention to Himself and NOT the work He came to do. Satan attacks human pride and the self-serving nature of all men. Moreover, if Satan had convinced Jesus to do his bidding, that would have made Christ Satan’s servant! But Jesus counters with Deut.6:16, “Do not put the LORD your God to the test.”
- Satan quoted Scripture in his temptation. In another attack on Jesus’ mind, Satan takes Psalm 91:11-12 out of context to use as a weapon on Christ. Out of context Scriptures are often used to suggest Jesus would just shrug off sin. It is a lie. Don’t just rely on someone else telling you what Scripture says. Do the research yourself.
Tempting the Spirit
Created in God’s image, we are spiritual beings. And so was Christ. Satan’s 3rd and final temptation was to offer Him all the kingdoms of the world to rule over. Satan is aware God has promised the kingdoms to Jesus, but he is offering them instantly — without the pain and struggle Jesus has before Him.
The cost for this shortcut? Jesus would have to bow down and worship Satan. He would have to reject His Father! Again Christ quotes from Deuteronomy. This time 6:13, “ Worship the LORD your God and serve Him only.” His Spirit stayed true to His Father and the plan.
Then Satan left and angels came and attended to Jesus. (Matt. 4:11 & Mark 1:13)
What it means for me:
- Jesus knew temptation and did not sin. Yes, I mess up and give in to temptation at times, but Jesus understands. Whether it is something that tempts my body, mind, or spirit, He has seen that kind of temptation. When I fail, I need to confess it to Him, and He understands. He is faithful and just to forgive.
- I have to memorize Scripture. Could Satan quote more Scriptures than I do? Could he misuse Scripture to mess me up because I’m not familiar enough with God’s Word? Gulp.
- I need to check how Scripture is used. I can’t just assume someone is correct in their take on Scripture. It may be misused as we saw Satan do. Never feel bad about checking.
- Focus my allegiance to Christ. Jesus said we were to daily take up our cross and follow Him. Each day I have a choice, and I need to be deliberate in choosing Him.
- God will meet all my needs. He sent angels to care for Jesus. He will care for me.
- Temptation often comes after big “God moments.” This time of testing came immediately after His baptism and God’s recognition. We, too, can also find ourselves in a tempting situation following a time when God was particularly active. Why? Satan takes notice. You became a threat to his plans, so he tries extra hard to trip you up.
Thanks for stopping by today. Drop me a line and tell me your favorite secret for Scripture memory.