We aren’t called to be selfish
It’s almost Christmas! I love the Christmas season. I always have. And not because I’m selfish and want all the things. In fact, I can never think of anything to put on my Christmas wish list for others to buy me. I would much rather buy for someone else. I want to see how my loved ones react to the gifts I have for them.
My joy comes from their happiness. And because that’s the way I’m wired, it is astonishing to me when I see people act in a way that IS selfish. You know those people: the center of the universe types.
Check your motives at the door
Our Spiritual Thought Twist today comes from Phil. 2:3 which starts: “Let nothing be dome through selfish ambition or conceit…” So many times we go through the day on autopilot, without considering the effect our decisions have on other people. How many times are we really being selfish?
- I really want that new ___(bed, purse, jacket, etc), so I’ll tithe NEXT month.
- I’m in a hurry to get home, so I’ll rush my overflowing grocery cart into the checkout lane in front of the woman with 2 kids and only 3 items.
- I’m running late, but I still need to stop for that morning coffee. So I snap at the employee who takes “too long.” She tearfully apologized and says she’s running things alone because her co-worker just drove herself to the ER.
How many times are we selfish each day? And what should we do instead?
The Non-Selfish Life
Luckily for us, we have the Twist in the last half of today’s verse: “BUT in low lines of mind let each esteem others better than himself.” Or in the New Century Version: “Instead, be humble and give more honor to others than to yourselves.”
So if we look again at our 3 examples of selfish activities, we’d see:
- The local church needs my tithe even if I have wants. Bills and salaries are paid from tithes. I can postpone my purchase and save for it while being obedient with my tithe.
- The mom, no doubt, is in a hurry, too. How much time would it cost me to let her check out first?
- The coffe shop employee and her cook need prayer and encouragement, not anger and rebuke.
Every day we will be presented with opportunities to be the hands, feet, and voice of Jesus to someone. Don’t be selfish about that.
Drop me a line below or on Instagram and tell me about a Random Act of Kindness you did today!