What I Cannot Afford
I recently learned that I had overpaid on an account. They sent me a check. It was like found money. It wasn’t that much, but it was unexpected. I had Had a legitimate debt. And I paid it. But, when it was paid in full, I had still sent in a payment – out of habit. And I had the funds to cover it.
But once I had a debt that I could not pay. My sin. My failures. They kept me from God just like a huge chasm I was unable to cross on my own. A blood sacrifice was required for payment to restore my relationship with God. I could not pay this debt.
God had a plan.
He sent His son to take care of my debt. Jesus became my blood sacrifice on the cross. The cross reached across the canyon that sin had created to keep me from God. His blood repaired my relationship with Father God. But here’s the best part:
Jesus overpaid for me.
How precious is the blood?
Jesus was 100% man. Jesus was also 100% God. Think for a moment how precious a blood transfusion is to someone in need. A donor can save a life with a pint of blood.
Well, Jesus was my blood donor. It only took part of one drop of His blood to pay my debt. Yet He endured severe lashing and other horrors that caused enormous blood loss.
Why is that important? Because what was an overpayment for ME became a payment for YOU. This single payment. His one-time death on the cross paid for EVERYONE who would ask for it. Hebrews 10:12 says, “But when this priest had offered for all time one sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God.”
My debt is paid. Cleared. No longer on the books. BECAUSE OF JESUS.
The photo today is from my trip with Hubby to the Grand Canyon in 2011. This was a trip I’d dreamed about most of my life, and God did not disappoint. It was a blessing to stand in His creation and marvel at His handiwork. But today I see the canyon and picture how far from God sin took me. The cross bridged the gap for me. And for you. If you don’t know my Jesus, I invite you here to meet him.