G is for Gumption
What is gumption? It’s defined as shrewd or spirited initiative and resourcefulness; backbone, courage, grit, boldness, or spunk. And we are expected to have some.
This year we are studying types of/characteristics of Prayer A-Z. (You can find the other posts here.) Today we’re looking at Gumption.
Gumption basics:
When I think of Gumption, I think of spunk and boldness. And I think many of us, in our daily Christian lives, are missing it. We go about in timid silence, thinking “That’s what Christians must do. We can’t rock the boat.” But that’s not the example set forth in Scripture.
Could you change God’s mind?
Abraham negotiated with God. In Genesis 18, God was planning to destroy two entire cities because of their rampant wickedness. But Abe talked Him down…temporarily. Abe didn’t just accept that all would be destroyed. He started at 50 – If he could find 50 righteous men, would God hold off? God agreed. Then he went to 45. And 40. 30. 20. Then 10.
That’s five times Abe went back BOLDLY to God and God agreed. If that’s not gumption, I don’t know what is!
And please note, God wasn’t angry with Abe for doing this. God is God, and He had to know exactly what kind of men lived in these cities. And how many would be righteous. And He still let Abe go at it. In the end, when Abe asked for 10 (v. 33) as soon as God agreed to spare them all for a mere 10 righteous men, “The LORD departed.”
How much do we need?
Proverbs 28:1 says the righteous are “as bold as a lion.” No one could ever accuse a lion of having a lack of gumption. And it’s not an over-the-top kind of boldness. It’s tempered with a well-earned confidence. The lion just knows he has power.
What Who is our gumption source?
Micah 3:8 says, “…I am filled with power – with the Spirit of the LORD – and with justice and courage.” And 2 Timothy 1:7 says, “For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline.”
God gives us gumption! And since it is a gift From God, He expects us to use it.
Pray for Gumption:
Paul asked for confidence in Acts 4:29. The kind of gumption to speak God’s word with spunk and grit in the face of very real threats. Verse 31 then says, “And when they had prayed, the place where they had gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak with Word of God with BOLDNESS.” (emphasis mine)
Dear Reader, Jesus had gumption – given from His Father to boldly speak truth in every situation. He rocked the boat, overturned the change tables and ruffled feathers when speaking to authority. Strive to use His boldness today!
Father God, I praise You that You have given us access. That we may speak TO You with confidence and that we may speak FOR You with courage and boldness. Grant us a might dose of HOLY GUMPTION today.
Thanks for stopping by today. You can find all the Prayer A-Z posts here.