I had a “lightbulb” moment with God the other day.
It started out as a normal day, but while reading my Bible, I came across the most incredible question. It was Jesus. And he responded to some blind men who called to him as he walked past. (Matt. 20:29-30)
Picture the moment:
Jesus is walking by. With a crowd. Verse 31 tells us that the multitude hushes the blind men, but they just called out to Jesus even louder. (Good for them.)This was probably a “normal” day for Jesus. And since we know that he KNOWS us and our needs, it makes his question even more remarkable.
He stopped and asked them: “What do you wish Me to do for you?” In other words, Jesus was asking the men to BE SPECIFIC in asking for their needs.
So, why was this a “brick” from God that whacked me right between the eyes?
- Jesus KNOWS us and our needs BEFORE we even ask. He knew what was in their hearts.
- Even the multitude would have known what these men wanted from the most famous HEALER in the region: SIGHT!
- Jesus asked them anyway.
How many times have I rushed through my prayer time with the thought that “Jesus knows.” He knows my situation. He knows my limits. My frustrations. Or worries. My fears.
Jesus knows…so I didn’t mention it. Then, as seen in my journaling example for this scripture, I put my hand on my hip and get bent out of shape that “Jesus didn’t answer my prayer.”
But I see from this example in scripture that sometimes, when we really, really have a life-changing desire, or that we crave to have a new vision from Him, that we must ignore the “hush-ers” around us, stand up, speak up, and be specific before the face of God.
And that, Dear Reader, is what I’m praying for you today.
I think I’m going to find a brick and paint that on it: Stand up. Speak up. Be specific before God… just as a reminder
Thanks for stopping by.