I am not the only daughter
My parents had another daughter, so yes, I have a sister. Older by 18 months, she’s an attorney in Texas. And I don’t think there could be a greater contrast between two girls raised in the same home.
Even as adults, we are very different: she has many dogs; I have children and grands (and only 2 dogs). She is outgoing and literally argues for a living. I’m an introvert and hate conflict of any kind. If there can be this much difference between siblings, imagine how different a daughter from 2 different families can be!
The daughter of joy
As Jesus returned from another healing, a synagogue leader Jairus approached Him, begging for Him to heal his girl. She is dying. And only 12 years old. Jesus goes immediately. After a brief interruption on the way (we’ll look at that in a minute), Jesus and Jairus arrive at the house – only to be told the girl has died. The professional mourners are already in place.
But Jesus knows all. He tells Jairus not to be afraid and just believe. And the girl will be made whole.
His knowledge and power
Jesus is the Son of God. He knows all. He knew the girl had died. (He is omniscient.) Jesus is also all-powerful. He fulfilled God’s commands and created all things. (He is omnipotent.)
So when He arrives, He throws out the mourners because they laughed when He said she is sleeping. Their unbelief cannot be part of this miracle. Only Peter, James, and John witness the event – plus the child’s parents. The 3 disciples’ hearts were ready to witness this impressive miracle.
The dead daughter is alive!
Whether Jesus just takes her hand or He commands her to sit up (various accounts differ), she was dead, but she sits up again! Whole! Just as Jesus promised. Then Jesus had 2 final things for the parents: 1-FEED HER. This is a reminder to continue with ordinary things even in the middle of miracles. And it proves she has the physical needs of a real, LIVE person. 2-DON’T TELL ANYONE. News of this would attract the wrong people, and it isn’t time to draw attention to Christ’s ability to raise the dead.
This daughter lived her first 12 years as part of a loving home, in contrast to the other daughter Jesus encountered that same day.
The daughter of sorrow
The other daughter Jesus encountered while on His way to Jairus’ house had a contrasting life story. She had a medical condition where she had an issue of blood for the last 12 years.
For better understanding of what chaos this caused her, you need to learn a bit about Jewish law. God gave MANY commands in Scripture regarding blood. Blood makes someone “unclean.” They can’t be around other people who might touch the blood and then become unclean as well.
So she can’t be with family or friends. She can’t go to worship or market. She must suffer alone.
For the same 12 years that Jairus’ daughter enjoyed her family, this woman lived in isolation.
A daughter’s search
This daughter reveals that she has spent the years seeking various healers and had heard about this healer from Galilee. But she didn’t want to make Jesus unclean. So, as He walked by, she just reached out and touched the fringe of His clothes. These would be the special fringes on the four corners of His garment These thread have great religious significance to the Jews.
Her faith is Jesus’ ability to heal her – just from touching these braided threads – was so strong that it worked! She was healed!
Jesus knew
Even while walking through a crowd of people eager to hear from Him – even while on His way to heal Jairus’ dying daughter, Jesus felt healing power leave Him. He stopped, and He asked who had touched Him. Of course, the disciples thought this was ridiculous. The street was crowded.
But Jesus doubled down, and the woman confessed at His feet. She explained that she had suffered under the care of many doctors. She had spent everything she had. And, instead of getting better, she grew worse.
Jesus commends her faith and instructs her to go in peace and be freed from her suffering.
What it means to me:
- Jesus is never too busy – Have you ever decided not to pray about something because you didn’t want to be a bother? That your need was insignificant compared to those suffering in war or natural disasters? Well, maybe that’s just me. But if Jesus will stop in the middle of the road to check on someone who is already healed WHILE HE’S ON TRACK TO HEAL A DYING CHILD, then He’s not too busy for me.
- Jesus didn’t allow her to be healed in secret – The child was healed at her father’s request IN SECRET, but the woman who received her healing under the radar still had to come face to face with the Healer. It still works that way. We must ask Him.
- Faith triumphs over superstition – The woman’s fear of making Jesus unclean stopped her from asking for healing, but her faith still made her healing possible.
- Jesus’ timing is perfect – Even stopping to talk to the woman, Jesus was able to heal Jairus’ daughter. It’s not like He was too late to do anything.
- Jesus cares about ordinary things – After healing the dead girl, Jesus tells her parents to feed her. In the midst of this incredible miracle, He refocused them on the ordinary.
Thanks for stopping by today. Why not drop me a line below or on Instagram and tell me: Do you and your siblings live in contrast with each other?