As one year rushes to an end, it is my habit to begin preparations for the next. (I am, by the way, the Empress of Planning.) I am determined to become more deliberate with my faith. So I’m toying with various ways to do that. I’ve located several online groups that may prove helpful:
1. His Kingdom Come
This group has a WEEKLY Bible study planned called Take Me Deeper.
They also have a “One Word” program called Logos365 – a YEAR-LONG focus.
2. Documented Faith
There is to be a focus word each MONTH.
And I’m hoping to have something, too.
I was completely gung-ho. Then I saw a need for info on grief, so I’m focusing there for now. That course seems to be coming together nicely. Seven or eight weeks. Education, Scripture, Art and Healing.
Since I’m off all this week, I’ll be putting in several hours on the project each day – I hope.
The biggest joy of the week: my daughter is coming in from South Carolina on Wednesday. She is a definite blessing, as is my son.
Dearest Father God, I have so much for which to be thankful this year: improved health, Mom healed and back home, wonderful children, a hard-working husband, a warm home and on and on. Help me to express my gratitude daily. Show me with specific clarity the direction this outreach should go so that You and You Alone will receive the Glory. Amen.