Father God sent us the Holy Spirit after Jesus left.
God with us. In us.
Joel 2:28-29 says, “I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days.”
What an amazing promise list!
Promise #1 – ALL PEOPLE. The Spirit is not reserved as an exclusive for any one race or culture.
Promise #2 – SONS & DAUGHTERS. Not to exclude anyone based on gender (an unusual promise in the male-dominated culture of the day)
Promise #3 – OLD MEN & YOUNG MEN. Not to exclude anyone based on age.
Promise #4 – SERVANTS & HANDMAIDENS. Not to exclude based on social standing.
Promise #5 – PROPHESY, DREAM DREAMS, & SEE VISIONS. All various forms of prophecy.
FYI: Prophecy = [a general term for speaking under the Spirit’s influence or instructing by Divine inspiration.]
Do you see? Promises #1-4 ensure that EVERYONE is included in receiving the Spirit. Then comes the best part: We all get access to the Holy Spirit’s leading and influence.
He (the Holy Spirit) is ready to lead us. All He wants is for us to listen and follow.
I added Joel 2:28-29 in my Journaling Bible
He’s our GPS!
This week’s art concludes this month’s Promise theme. I picked this photo because of the cowboy. It was almost like he’d been given a special leading – something the other boys didn’t hear or follow – or maybe it was specific to him alone.
Again. I used the pop of color to represent the promise.
I think I’m going to head off to work on this verse in my journaling Bible. I’ll post my work when I’m done.

Beautiful, Kathy, and loved your list of promises of the Holy Spirit! So creative and inspiring!