Christmas Blessings, Fellow Travelers!
The season that celebrates my beloved Jesus’ birth is my favorite time of year. I want to surround myself with family and just…love them.
So this is the wrong time of year for the flu.
I am restructuring my Christmas plans.
Instead of driving to South Carolina to see my daughter, I’m staying home to rest.
Instead of family visits and celebrations, I’m splurging with a rarity: solitude.
God has gifted me with a unique perspective on this situation. While I’m sincerely disappointed in this turn of events, I have an appointment with God.
Hubby will be gone for a week or more. In addition to family reunions along the way and upon arrival, he’s taking Wally to move in with Daughter.
Meet Wally, ———-> Daughter’s rescue Yorkie who has been living with us while she was in college. He’s about to become a South Carolina dog.
Mom will spend Christmas with my sister.
Son has to work.
I will have the week to myself.
What to do? What to do?
I don’t feel well enough to shop…or to do very much of anything for that matter.
But I can rest.
I can read. Scripture.
I can art. For God.
I have an appointment with Him.
The same day I learned I have flu, I also learned I’d been accepted as a Moderator in the Mixed Media group for His Kingdom Come. I’ll be helping with the 2015 weekly Bible study project Take Me Deeper. And using the Logos365 process to focus my year on the word God very clearly gave me: Enough.
That was Tuesday.
Now, let me take you back to Sunday. (Yes, time travel – bear with me.) I shared with my pastor that I’m starting this online ministry. I explained to him about the Good Grief course that I will be offering in January. I asked for his prayers as I begin.
His prayer included a word from God that my work online would reach many for Him. And that doors would be opened for me that would show His hand at work.
Then I was asked to consider the moderator position.
I was OFFERED the position at practically the same instant I got the flu diagnosis. So at the moment the “Travel for Christmas” door shut, GOD OPENED A NEW DOOR.
So when I was wallowing in self-pity this week that I’d be alone for Christmas, God reminded me – HE is my ENOUGH.
I have an appointment with God. I will rest. I will read. I will spend time with my Heavenly Father.
Prayer: Forgive me, Father, for being selfish and slow to realize that there could be an up-side. “For I know the plans I have for you…” is amazing hope in trying times, but it’s also a bitter pill to swallow when the Empress of Planning thought she had things lined out. Thank you for being my Enough. Please bless our time together. I know You have something special in the works for our appointment. In Your precious Son’s name.

Great outlook Kathy!! We at His Kingdom Come are so glad that you are joining this journey with us!!! I know He is going to use us all to reach people for His Glory; such an exciting thought!!
Thank you