For 2019, God has led me to plan a year-long series on prayer. So, my bi-monthly posts will follow through the alphabet as we explore Prayer A-Z. Today we focus on A for Admit. For a complete list of links as they become live, check out the Prayer A-Z page here.
A is for Admit
The first 3 posts in this series MUST focus on the 3-step process for starting your personal relationship with God. And the Primary step is to ADMIT.
Admit what?
Admit that you are a “sinner.” For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. All: that means everybody. You and Me. Definitely me. No one is exempt.
Before we can enter into a true relationship with the Creator of the Universe, we have to Admit that we need Him.
“I need You, God.”
That seems like a pretty simple thing to say, doesn’t it? And it truly is. The only problem is we must move our pride aside to get there.
It means
–I may want to handle this entire situation on my own. But I will ask God to take the lead.
–I may think I’m a good person-especially compared to so many I see on the news each day. But I’m a sinner, and the only path to God and eternal life starts with me facing the fact that I fall short.
Falling Short
To ADMIT that I fall short of anything is hard for a perfectionist personality. I SHOULD be able to do anything and do it well. Exceptionally well. Right now.
And God laughs.
I often picture God shaking His head and chuckling at my attempts to “help Him out.” That’s right, I have been known to take things into my own hands from time to time more often than I care to admit.
But God’s plans are ALWAYS better. My warped version of “I’ve Got This, God” actually ends in an eternity of fire and torment. But God’s “You Need Me” love story ends with me crowned to be a Daughter of the King of Kings, able to approach His throne and live with Him in paradise.
Should a little pride keep me from the better choice? No.
Father God, I admit today that I am a sinner. On my own, I fall so incredibly short of Your standards.
It’s a start that anyone can be proud of. What are you waiting for?
(If you want information on steps 2 and 3 to begin your personal relationship with God, please check out this link.)
It is my prayer today that many will push aside their pride or fear or whatever may hold them back and begin a true relationship with You, Father God.
Thanks for stopping by. Come back soon.
Links to all Prayer A-Z posts can be found here.