Wait. That’s right, wait.
“Are you Kidding me, God?” I said. “What kind of a word is ‘WAIT’ for 2020?”
“It’s the perfect word. You’ll see,” God answered.
Such was the conversation I had with God just before 2020 started. Here we are at the midpoint of 2020, and (0f course) God was right. Wait is the perfect word.
When I let God pick this word for me, we were just hearing about a cluster of cases of an odd new pneumonia in China. God knew then that I’d spend weeks at home in self-isolating quarantine, having to WAIT for COVID-19 to be contained or defeated.
God also knew
God also knew my elbow injury from early December 2019 needed surgery. But I would have to WAIT when my mid-April surgery date was cancelled because of state orders on “elective” surgeries because ot the pandemic. Yes, I had to WAIT until May 22nd for a fix.
Then God knew I should Wait
My Heavenly Father knew I planned to continue the task of cleaning out my mother’s home. But with a bum arm and a pandemic looming, I stayed home to WAIT until a later date.
Then God blessed me
God showed me grace as well during my time on pause. If you’ve never done theĀ Experiencing God study by Henry Blackaby, you should. I did it 30 years ago, and there are several thoughts I go back to often. One of which is this: If you haven’t heard from God lately, just keep doing the last thing He told you to do. That makes sense to me.
So, going back 16 years, there’s been this very personal struggle I’ve been dealing with. And this year – during my quarantine, I got a phone call to tell me my time waiting would soon be over. It’s just like being on hold for hours and then hearing “There is one caller ahead of you.” The WAIT will have an end.
Yep, God knew. And I’m going to keep trusting Him wisdom.
Father God, Your wisdom astonishes me. You know what I need before I do. Thank you for Your care and compassion. Thank You for Your blessings. Grant me peace as I continue to WAIT for You.
Thanks for stopping by. If you’re dealing with fear during the pandemic, check out my FREE online course, Less Fear More Jesus here.