Ooh! Anger makes me so mad!
Yes, I see the irony there, but it’s true. Show of hands: how many of you get mad at yourself when you realize that you’ve gotten angry over something? See? I’m not alone.
Mostly it’s when rage sneaks up on me. And blindsiding emotion often is connected to grief.
One thing I’ve learned about myself in recent years it that the emotions of grief tend to leave me raw – and I easily shift into anger when I wouldn’t normally.
But God is faithful to help us during grief – and the resulting emotions.
In my Good Grief course, I provide key scriptures for each of the different stages of grief. Today we look at Anger and Confusion. It’s very common to experience these 2 unpleasant emotions during loss. But God gives us something else to focus on:
Anger: Proverbs 29:11, “Fools give full vent to their rage, but the wise bring calm in the end.”
Confusion: 1 Cor. 14:33, “For God is not a God of confusion but of peace.”
Have the ragged emotions of grief dragged you down? Check out my course, Good Grief, no matter what loss you are facing. The self-paced course will help you get through grief with a focus on the Master.
Thanks for stopping by today. I spent time praying for you.