S is for Seek is the latest post in the Prayer A to Z series. The other posts can be found here.
Seek God with All Your Heart
I think sometimes some people feel like God is playing a cosmic game of Hide-&-Seek. Rest assured, He isn’t. He wants to be found. He wants to spend time with each of us, but He wants us to make an investment/effort in looking for Him. “But from there [where they were driven out] you will search for the LORD your God, and you will find Him when you seek Him with all your heart and all your soul.” Deut. 4:29
Why seek?
Sometimes people have more of an appreciation for things they have to put a bit more effort into acquiring. When Daughter was younger, she worked a part-time job and went to high school while taking concurrent college classes (a very busy gal). The purpose behind the job was to buy herself a car. As two teachers in Oklahoma, income for Hubby and myself was tight. So, automobiles were not gifts like they were to other friends her age.
Funny thing though, after she got her car, Daughter mentioned how one friend had crashed not one, but TWO “gifted” cars and was then on their third. She reasoned that the friend would take better care of something they had worked harder to get.
I think relationships are that way, too. And that’s what we’re really talking about: Seek God to build a relationship with Him. So, it takes more than just asking. You need to seek Him out. Then knock, and everything will be opened for you. (see Matthew 7:7)
It’s time to seek. Now!
So much evil in the world today. It breaks my heart. Have you noticed? There is a cure for all the evil in this country that was founded by believers whose pledge contains the line “one nation under God.” The cure: SEEK GOD. How do I know? Read 2 Chron. 7:14, “And my people who bear My name, humble themselves, pray and seek My face, and turn from their evil ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.”
I can’t imagine anything American needs more today than healing. It’s a multi-step process, but it starts with a heart humble enough to seek God. Can’t that be us?
Father God, forgive us for our pride and the apathy that allowed sin and evil to reach the levels it has today. We seek you today. Hear us. Heal us. Lead us and others to transform our nation.
Thanks for stopping by today. The Prayers A to Z posts are here.