This is Jett – my next project.
One of the reasons this post didn’t come on Tuesday as it normally would is that I am sooooo close to finishing my current project: the sequel to my novel. Or finishing the rough draft, at least.
I am about 3.5 chapters from the end of Ringing Bells, which picks up a couple of months after the end of Choosing Justice. Justice is, of course, available in my shop. I’ve actually put it on sale this week as we reach its 1 year birthday.
Once the rough draft is done, I’ll put it aside for a month or so and just let it marinate in my head while my beta readers take it and poke holes in it for me.
Can I spend that month without writing? No! And that’s where my Jett comes in.
I’m toying with the idea of writing a children’s book that would star my buddy Jett. As I prep to end the summer and return to my Kindergarten & First Grade students, I’m reminded that I am always on the lookout for a good picture book that explains that we shouldn’t expect everyone to be a clone of us. I can’t count the number of times I say over the course of the school year, “Everybody’s different, and that’s okay.”
So, I’ve decided to write and illustrate that book myself. And Jett is the perfect star. He is unlike any dog we’ve ever had. He bounces to the beat of his own drummer. And that…should make for fun conflict.
He’ll need a friend. Wally. Wally is Daughter’s dog, but he spent many years in my home, and he is your typical dog. Jett does things the hard way. A different way. It will be a fun project.
Everyone needs a friend who complements them. I was blessed recently to spend time with such a friend. Two of them, in fact. One of the things that amazes me about friendship is how miles or months cannot create true distance between true companions. How two soul sisters can pick up right where we left off the last time we got together.
I pray that you have such a person in your life. Someone who blesses you the way my dear friends bless me.
A couple of notes for you today:
- Don’t forget that Choosing Justice is on sale right now in the shop.
- With the rough draft so close to being done, and the start of my school year NEXT WEEK, I may miss my post next Tuesday. Check back in August for an update.
- I’d love to hear about your favorite children’s book or picture book. What was it that made it your favorite? Characters? Illustrations? Plot? Rhymes? Predictable/repeated text? Author?
Don’t forget how much I appreciate you reading 13Prayers. I prayed for you today.