Track Shoes?
Yes. I’m thinking God wears track shoes.
Something new here at 13Prayers is a series of posts inspired by music. Today’s post is brought to you by the lyrics to “Reckless Love” or at least by a phrase from it. (Lyrics by Cory Asbury)
It describes how God’s amazing and extreme love will CHASE US DOWN.
It’s actually scriptural! I memorized Psalm 23 when I was a kid – and that was a few several more years ago than I want to count. The final verse went “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.”
That’s one mental picture. Almost like a puppy. I see God’s goodness and mercy straggling along behind – at their own pace. Then I read another version.
[Side note: this is how I buy new Bibles. If I’m looking at a new translation, I turn to Psalm 23 and compare. New insight? Sold!]
Anyway, I found the Holman Christian Standard Bible: “Only Goodness and FAITHFUL LOVE will PURSUE me all the days of my life.
First, of course, mercy is faithful love. Remember: Grace is a gift of something I do not deserve. And Mercy is not getting what I do deserve.
But PURSUE paints a very different picture than FOLLOW. Pursue means to chase down… and in my mind, it gave God track shoes.
One example of love in track shoes? Hold on.
A Father in Track Shoes:
I’m pretty sure you know the story Jesus told about the prodigal son. (see Luke 15:11+) Summary: Son leaves. Son loses all his money and self-respect. Son decides to return home…
Dad sees him from “a long way off.” (Luke 15:20) HE RAN. Dad threw his arms around Son and kissed him.
This is an explanation of God’s love for us. Not only is Love chasing us down, but whenever we mess up and find out path back home, God eagerly runs to meet us in the road with open, welcoming arms.
Track Shoes for Us
So, what’s on your feet? Lately I’ve realized I’ve been lacing up cement boots made of anger and resentment. It’s not wonder I can’t get very far. I’m ready to shed my heavy footwear and step into some love shoes.
How about you?
Thanks for stopping by today. I’m praying for you to sprint toward God each and every day.