Crazy weather we’re having, huh?
I’ll bet you’ve either said that, heard that, or thought something similar about the weather at least once during the past several months.
Globally, we’ve had:
- An eclipse, about 80% in my area. Daughter saw 100%. (I’m jealous.)
- Hurricane after hurricane
- Fires
- Earthquakes
Maybe I’m paying more attention to the weather now. I’m smack dab in the middle of my inchie weather project where every single day of 2017 gets a one-inch square that matches a corresponding color, based on the high temperature for the day.
A tidbit of honesty here: it is based on the high temperature WHERE I AM for the day. Normally, that’s within a 150-mile range, but I branched out this summer. We (Hubby, MIL and I) drove from SW Oklahoma to South Carolina for a family reunion on the Atlantic coast. A grand total of over 1700 miles – one way.
Now, that’s a long time to sit in a car. Reunion ended on Sunday. And I had to report back to work the next day. So, I flew home.
Does Oklahoma even have a “Normal” temperature anymore?
I can vividly remember years that contained BOTH a long run of 100+ degree days and a few icy, below-freezing days.
Well, let me remind you, most of the first quarter of 2017 ended up GREEN. It was a very mild few months.
And you can see I’ve added the hotter, REDDER summer days – including those South Carolina days. Notice the “roadway” washi tape on my travel days.
So far, I’m only caught up adding the inchies through August. And we only had 7 100 degree days. But here’s a look at the color key. These will run down the right margin of the project. (I’m still debating on how to fill the left margin. Any ideas?)
I’m really ready now for some cooler weather. And a few recent days gave me a taste. I’m excited to get to add some blue into the mix.
Since this update only carries me through August, I’ve added the eclipse (see below) and for September, I’ll mark the hurricanes and fires.
I’m not certain what title I’ll be using yet. And, we had a very mild summer, so I’m really wondering what the winter holds. I’ll keep you posted.
Thanks for dropping by today. I prayed for you. If you’ve had unusual weather in your area, I’d love to hear about it or how you track the weather, if you do.