I need a time out…
When my kids were little, they sometimes became overwhelmed with life. And I would give them a time out to rest up and try again later.
Now, it’s my turn.
If you’ve been with me a while (pre-2024), you may have noticed my posts that used to appear like clockwork have become spotty and have even been on hold once already this year. It’s happening again, I’m afraid.
2024 hasn’t been my favorite
We started the year with Hubby’s cancer diagnosis and his mom’s continuing struggle with her vision. Then my mom’s health scare in March, right as Hub’s daily treatments were beginning. But Mom bounced back.
Well, Hubby’s doing great. His mom is continuing her treatments.
And Mom died. Just after her 96th birthday.
She was ready. She went peacefully, and we rejoice with her because we know where she is. And we will see her again.
My time out
I’m exhausted. And overwhelmed. I need time to figure some things out, but I’m dealing with all my regular daily tasks PLUS finalizing all of Mom’s finances and such. I’ve tried to write blog posts about the miracles surrounding Christ, but my brain just… won’t brain. So, I’m stepping back from the blog while I take myself back through the grief course I was already updating. (Transforming “Good Grief” into “Christian Grief Trek”) – more information here.(Transforming “Good Grief” into “Christian Grief Trek”) – more information here.
I was prepared
God led me to choose the word “HOPE” for 2024. I’ve been studying verses on HOPE all year. They pulled me through the cancer stuff, and – knowing my HOPE is in Jesus – I will get through this loss, too.
Please forgive me for bailing, but understand that I will return when I get some balance back, after my time out.