How many times today will you say it?
Gracias.There was a day recently when I felt…invisible. Not the “I have Harry Potter’s cloak” kind of invisible. The kind where it feels like you aren’t making a difference. I know part of the problem was an old enemy: grief.
Then someone took the time to tell me “Thank you.”
It changed my entire day!
So I sat down and started thinking about why that changed my mindset. This is the list I came up with:
Saying Thank You:
- makes you more aware of life around you
- makes you more appreciative to what others are doing
- helps you become more open with your praise of others
- changes your heart to care more for others
- creates an eagerness to help one another
- makes you less self-absorbed
- makes you less of an island
- makes you less of a jerk
- erases some of the bitterness of heartache
- forces you to be less withdrawn
Hearing Thank You:
- helps you realize that you matter
- shows you that your contribution makes a difference
- shows you that you are NOT invisible
- proves you are not just spinning your wheels
- is proof that you are not alone in the universe
- helps you hang on just one more day
- puts a smile on your face
- helps to patch a broken heart
Action Plan: Start today. For 1 week, go out of your way each day to tell 3 people “Thank You” for something. Not a quick “Thanks” to the cashier, but a true complete sentence with supporting reason(s) “Thank you for ______ because ______.”
By the end of the week, you will have impacted almost 2 dozen people. Let me know how it goes.
Thanks for stopping by today. I prayed for you!